Pay-for applications?


Feb 23, 2002
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I've been dabbling with the Virtual Linux PC I've got running, and I'm still not going to switch over as the main OS, but I am slowly liking it a bit more. :)

Are there many applications that you have to pay for that use Linux? Most things I've tried to find are free, which is always handy! Openoffice, FireFox, Gimp etc... excellent and my favorite price :lol:
Used to think if it was free there was something wrong, but i'm now a great fan of OpenOffice & FireFox:thumb:
it went that way ...


Linux is "open source" and as such if the program writers stick with that criteria then all software for Linux is free ... free to copy, free to distribute, free to alter, free to do what the hell you like with. ;)

... welcome to the dark side. :D

But does that mean Linux software has to actually be free? I guess it doesn't, but it usually is anyway it seems :)

What got me thinking was if everyone switched over to Linux, would we basically be paying for everything anyway apart from the OS? I costed out the server options for converting from Windows to Linux and it worked out more expensive ironically (mainly because of the "cpanel" software needed).

I'm going to try and make my 2GB usb stick into a Linux drive so I can use FF and OO at University if I boot from it :D
Ian Cunningham said:
I'm going to try and make my 2GB usb stick into a Linux drive so I can use FF and OO at University if I boot from it :D
If it does Ian let me know:thumb:
No, there are loads of 'software' you can pay for, that are not open source, and there lays the rub for the whole thing.

I to have looked into getting another Host and I'll choose Linux over anything else and yes, they cost more, everyone of them. :)

Businesses, I wonder why they have to make a profit? :rolleyes:

Naw, there is aways a catch with these "free" Hosts ... thanks, but no thanks.

You can keep your Windows Hosting for someone else, sorry, but thanks again. :thumb:

When I have the spare dosh, I'll go and get my domain registrar to do the hosting. Maybe. :D