Amy E. Baggott
I have a procedure that takes a long time to work, and there are periods
where it looks like nothing's happening when the system is in fact very busy.
I have created a form that opens at the beginning of the process with a
field that is changed at each phase to tell the user what phase it's in
(importing tables, updating related tables, checking for errors). the only
problem is that as soon as it starts loading the form, it then goes straight
into the rest of the procedure so that the form does not fully display until
the first breakpoint, which is created by an input box where a subroutine
asks for user input. Is there any way to get Access to wait until the form
has finished painting before it plunges headfirst into the import portion of
the procedure?
where it looks like nothing's happening when the system is in fact very busy.
I have created a form that opens at the beginning of the process with a
field that is changed at each phase to tell the user what phase it's in
(importing tables, updating related tables, checking for errors). the only
problem is that as soon as it starts loading the form, it then goes straight
into the rest of the procedure so that the form does not fully display until
the first breakpoint, which is created by an input box where a subroutine
asks for user input. Is there any way to get Access to wait until the form
has finished painting before it plunges headfirst into the import portion of
the procedure?