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Does anyone know of a way to pause and start sound in a presentation.
I have made a 2003 presentation to distribute to CD but need uses to
be able to choose whether or not they hear sound.

Any help most welcome


Generally, when you use Insert/Movies and Sounds/Sound from File in PPT 2002 and 2003, a trigger animation is automatically added to the sound. You can see it if you right-click any object on your slide and choose Custom Animation.

So, if the user clicks on the sound icon itself, it should pause the sound.

Ah, crud. That's only with video. (Just double-checked. Anyway, if you insert a movie into your presentation, you can see what I mean if you're interested.)

Alternatively, you could create an object that stops or pauses the sound when clicked. You'd also do this with a trigger animation. Instrux for triggers at Instead of applying an entrance animation, though, you would instead use Add Effect/Sound Actions/Pause (or Stop) and then apply the trigger to that.
Thanks for the info - trying to do what you say - where is the Add
Effect/Sounds Actions?

In 2003 - you get the indivual pane for Add Effects but I can see no
sign of Sounds Actions - perhaps I am not looking hard enough!


- found the Sound option - which works if I am just playing the sound
on one slide - but it's a clip of music about 3 mins long which I have
set on the very first slide to span the whole presentation and loop
for the duration of the slides (60+) - does this method still work
when I want to have a stop and start button on each slide after slide
1 but the sound itself is only on slide 1?

Does this make sense?


Just a caution, since you mentioned distributing via CD. If you're planning to
use the Viewer, it doesn't support macros, VBA or ActiveX controls.

Sonia Coleman
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun Software, Templates and Tutorials

Wonder if creating a macro to switch sound off and on is the answer?

Anyone ever done this??

and 2003, a trigger animation is automatically added to the sound. You can see
it if you right-click any object on your slide and choose Custom Animation.clicked. You'd also do this with a trigger animation. Instrux for triggers at Instead of applying an entrance
animation, though, you would instead use Add Effect/Sound Actions/Pause (or
Stop) and then apply the trigger to that.
Wonder if creating a macro to switch sound off and on is the answer?

Anyone ever done this??

No, it won't work with the Viewer. It was designed for presentations that are
run in PowerPoint. You'll notice that Chirag (the author) intentionally
omitted the Viewer in the compatibility list.
Thanks Sonia

I have found a utility called Volume Control which works a treat on my
machine - users can simply check and uncheck for sound - wonder if it
works with the 2003 Viewer?

Darn - too good to be true eh .... any idea if a similar product
exists? - this did the job beautifully - except its useless unless I
can pack to CD!


As I said, the Viewer doesn't support macros, VBA or ActiveX controls. That
means no add-ins. WYSIWYG.
[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for
[TOP ISSUE - Are you having difficulty opening presentations in PowerPoint
that you just created (you can save, but not open)? -]


If none of the suggestions provided give you the functionality that you
were looking for or, if you (or anyone else reading this message) have
suggestions for how and why you think PowerPoint should provide this
functionality (or make it easier without requiring add-ins or ActiveX
controls), don't forget to send your feedback (in YOUR OWN WORDS, please)
to Microsoft by either:

A) If you are using Microsoft's web-based, online newsreader for Office
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It's VERY important that, for EACH wish, you describe in detail, WHY it is
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working around a specific limitation of the current product, etc. Remember
that Microsoft receives THOUSANDS of product suggestions every day and we
read each one but, in any given product development cycle, there are ONLY
sufficient resources to address the ones that are MOST IMPORTANT to our
customers so take the extra time to state your case as CLEARLY and
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IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

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Just logged my wish on the MS 'wishlist' site!

Here's hoping they allow VBA or Active X in the next version of
package to CD!

