Hi, I wont to paus a batch file for a few seconds, what command do I use?
( OS WinXP)
( OS WinXP)
JT said:Hi, I wont to paus a batch file for a few seconds, what command do I use?
( OS WinXP)
HiJT said:Hi, I wont to paus a batch file for a few seconds, what
command do I use? ( OS WinXP)
Ray McCormick said:Use sleep.exe
This is available from, amongst others,
(for 9x/ME/2000/XP)
Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:Hi
Alternatively, do a sleep using ping.exe (not CPU intensive).
Sleep approx. 5 seconds (number behind -n is seconds +1):
ping.exe -n 6 >nul
torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
Ray McCormick said:Oops! Wrong one.
sleep.exe from Gammadyne is 124k,
sleep.exe from Sadowski is 83.2k and
the one I have been using for some time (same syntax as Paul
Sadowski's; I did not make a note of where I got it from) is
25.4k !