I'm not sure. Perhaps one of the more knowledgeable people here can answer
I'll take a crack at it and expose my ignorance for correction. <g>
My only experience with ZA is installing the free version on a
friend's computer when she shifted from dial-up to cable. I think
that she's since gone to the Pro version and is using Norton for an
AV program. She also runs AdSubtract, which acts as a server.
My impression is that most firewalls block everything by default and
must ask permission to allow programs to access the Internet. This
was certainly true in my friend's case and is also true in the
antique firewall I run on my system. So, bottom line, I doubt that
security of other ports is of much concern.
This doesn't change the requirement for safe hex however. If you
allow your browser access to the Internet through port 80 it's still
possible to download trouble if you're careless. The same is true of
SMTP on port 25 or NNTP on port 119.