Path to db



I want my db to generate an email with a link back to the
database. I know I can get the database path using
CurrentDB().Name but this references a drive letter.
Since my database is on a networked drive different users
may have it mapped to different drive letters. How can I
reference the db with the actual server name in place of
the drive letter?


I figured out how to get the path to the drive after I
posted this. However I'm still struggling with getting
the complete path to my database though. Is it possible
to return a complete path to a file? Or can I only get
the path to the drive?

Graham R Seach

Sorry, you've lost me now. I've just given you the answer - where's the

Using the code and the reference I gave you:
LetterToUNC(Left(CurrentDb.Name, 2)) & Mid(CurrentDb.Name, 3)
will return the UNC path to your database.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Microsoft Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference

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