in my win application I've a file named myFile.xml at the root of my
application: in debug mode, when I try to read this file, the runtime
application searches it in the path bin/debug... and it doesn't find it
because there isn't there, so I've used the function:
thanks to this function it works, but when I try to deploy the application,
it doesn't work anymore, because path is different... How can I set a
flexible path at the deployment and in my code?
Please help me.
in my win application I've a file named myFile.xml at the root of my
application: in debug mode, when I try to read this file, the runtime
application searches it in the path bin/debug... and it doesn't find it
because there isn't there, so I've used the function:
thanks to this function it works, but when I try to deploy the application,
it doesn't work anymore, because path is different... How can I set a
flexible path at the deployment and in my code?
Please help me.