Path command

  • Thread starter Thread starter Garry
  • Start date Start date


I would like to store the path of a file in a variable. I have read
the help associated with Excel but I am not clear on the use of the
PATH command. I understand how to get the path of the current
workbook but what I want to do is to store the path of a file (which I
have obtained using the GETOPENFILENAME CODE) in a variable for later
use. Any suggestions?

Sub test()
Dim strFile As String

strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename
If strFile = "False" Then Exit Sub

MsgBox strFile
End Sub

Thanks for the reply but that wasn't exactly what I needed. I already
used code similar to what you suggested to get the full path name,
including filename. What I need is to find the actual path, without
the filename. I need to iteratively retrieve files in the same
directory as one located by the code you suggested. I want to capture
the path alone then concatenate various filenames to that path.

Here's yet another path extractor (there was a conversation about this the
other day.
Keep in mind there are easier ways to do this depending on your version of

Sub test()
Dim strFile As String, strPath As String, i As Long, j As Long

strFile = "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS"

i = InStr(1, strFile, Application.PathSeparator): j = 1
Do Until i = 0: j = i: i = InStr(i + 1, strFile,
Application.PathSeparator): Loop
strPath = Mid(strFile, 1, j)

MsgBox strPath
End Sub

Thanks for the information. I'll give this a try. I used a mid
function after retrieving the full name with the GetOpenFileName
method. I had hoped there was a more straight forward way to do it.
You plan looks better, even though not much less complex.

Thanks again,

I really liked the code that Rob posted - it covers EVERYTHING.

I typically use the following which is far less sophisticated but
hasn't failed me yet:

Sub test()
Dim strFile As String, strPath As String, strEndofPath As String

strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename
strEndofPath = InStr(strFile, Dir(strFile)) - 2
strPath = Mid(strFile, 1, strEndofPath)

MsgBox strPath
End Sub
