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I haven't looked at this NG for a while. Has MS shipped a patch lately
(within the last 8 months or so)? I'm really hoping to get rid of the
clicking noise between fading clips when writing to AVI.


Hi there,

I don't know about any patches, but it might help if you downloaded the
full verion of MM2 and install it. Its possible that alone will solve your
issue. If it does not, you will probably be interested in hearing about and "Acceleration & Codecs" in the problem solving
section. says "Updated: June 19, 2003", I think this is a new install, rather than a patch.

I don't know if Microsoft has issued any specific patches for just WMM2, but it might have gotten updated as part of something else (say SP1). I have everything has to offer and the "Help...About Windows Movie Maker" dialog shows in part
Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp2.030422-1633 : Service Pack 1)
Windows ® Movie Maker Version 2.0.3312.0


First off:
Thank you for the information on your website. I haven't
resolved "my" propblem with it however you have a wealth
of information which I believe is appreciated by Many.

I have the same problem as Hilton and a couple others.

Please excuse the length of this, I deemed it neccesary to

My first attempt at MM2 was this last weekend with varied
success on a borrowed IBM Thinkpad XP(SP1) 1.6Ghz 80GB
firewire to Canon Elura2.

Loading MiniDV went fine. As did editing, though preview
playback would not play smooth approaching and through

I eventually put together 4 short programs.
The problem of audio stalling, drop outs, or clicks
appeared after saving back to MiniDV tape, after many
rendering attempts after various tweaks....The problem
being also present on the VHS tape made concurrent the
last attempt.

Exasperated and searching for a resolution, I found my way
to your site and checked out your suggestions to fix the
problem and those I hadn't done myself previously...With
no luck.

If I remember reading correctly, somewhere, you said you
had not noticed these audio problems on your projects.
I also remember reading that you made an open invitation
for submission of problems so that people might identify
them with other than the oft times inadequate word
descriptions. I was about to do that, then had a thought.
I downloaded your Lahaina video.
Your Lahaina video has the same problems.

I noticed the very same problems experienced on the
Thinkpad shows up on this system, a P!!! 533Mhz WIN98,
through Media Player of your file on porpoise.

Please, if you will, and instead of Me sending examples
which it appears you already have, review that file on a
different system than the one you created it on and see if
you can identify the transition/audio problems....When you
do, you should notice there are video glitches also. If
you look close enough you'll actually "see" the transition
coming or ending....though I can't remember any frame-
change pops, my speakers are inadequate. There may be one.

It appears that MM2 may not be able to handle
the "load"....certainly, rendering should eliminate any
such problems before saving to a destination.
I don't know why this would be but it is certainly a
problem which may be more universal that heretofore
perceived. As I said, I noticed the problem throughout
your file of a Whale..... of a file.
The stalling coincides with transitions. The click or pop
coincides with the frame change, noticed by watching the
timeline for the marking of the changing in the current
frame playing while in MM2.
Drop-outs can happen "about" a transition, more noticably,
complete, long-duration, 3/4 sec., audio loss, near the
end of transition period.

And, not apparently associated with a transition, some
audio files, including the original 16 bit camera file,
will develop a nasty quirk when selected to
Fadeout....sometimes fixed by recopying the file but not

These conditions are very annoying at the very least. If
more universally applicatble to other people it will
commit fraudulent Microsoft's claim "to make movies like a
pro", .....if "pro" was really what it intends.
Though having some experience in other programs, this
being my first experience with MM2, I don't have the
background or observational powers yet to better discern
any other coincidences or conditions to solve this.
It may very well be a codec or file type or acceleration
problem or a certain combination, but this is not readily
apparent and changing these does not seem to affect the least as I experience it.
Microsoft needs, if it plans on this being viable, to look
into it and identify the why of its happening. It is
better equipped to make the finding and Patch than we are
thrashing about in the dark stumbling into a solution. I
don't think people will appreciate spending hours of time
editing to find out the end result is irritating to watch.
And until we can create satisfying projects we won't be so
interested towards the more advanced potentials of MM2.
I'm feeling a rant coming return.....
......the transition/audio problem...
It seems real enough. More than a mere tweak. I was going
to suffer my way through a solution until I found it was
evident in your file too and which you can readily
inspect....It just ain't Me!...Or Hilton.

With that I'll ask you to make a review and see if you
have any other ideas on how to solve this annoyance in
what otherwise is a competent basic video editor.

Thanks for any additional help.

BTW I like your idea for The Minute View of the World
Video Project. Maybe, equipment willing, I'll be able to
contribute one day on a future project of that
nature....even if it is in Final Cut.

Thanks Anthony,

Which version of the whale-watching movie should I be listening to for the
problems? Chapter 1 First Draft, Chapter 2 Step 2, 3, or 4, or the Final
Movie in Chapter 2?

Which version of the whale-watching movie?

I believe it was the Final Movie @ Chapter 2.
The file shows:
7433KB or 7.25MB

Hi Anthony,

I went to the project file for the version 301 whale movie and rendered a
number of movies to further assess the audio, saving them in both DV-AVI and
WMV formats, making ones with the video/audio track muted so I can better
hear what is happening to the music, and another set with the music muted so
I can hear the audio of the video better.

I'm not finished yet, but what it looks like so far is that my awkward
transitions of the video/audio track is what is showing up as audio
artifacts. The music track seems fine.

But I'm not done yet. Just wanted to update you.

-----Original Message-----
it looks like so far is that my awkward
transitions of the video/audio track is what is showing up as audio

Thanks for looking into this.
So I can infer you do see something?
That would be important...That a problem is in fact
occurring, universally.

I'm not sure what you mean by "awkward transitions" but
I'll suggest one of the problems happens in a normal MM2
Fade function as well as others supplied. It will also
happen without a transition but only a clip overlap.
Though I will say I believe I see less of a problem with
less clip overlap....which should follow with less
Transition Duration through Option.

I believe this to be a different problem as it doesn't
seem to affect the Transition/Audio problem: Somewhere I
found a system performance graph.
Excuse my system ignorance, I noticed the Blue line on the
graph works its way to the top, mostly when something more
that mere original video/audio is on the timeline, and
that's when the video stalls occur. I'm investigating.

I have been able to "fix" SOME of the click/pops in audio
tracks by moving the trim points, but not all. The problem
with this is that sometimes I need the timing point for a
clip change at that previous affected point. Since we do
not have any control over how the program makes a
modification in a trim point we're at the mercy of the
program and any attendant delays in fixing a bad
integration. I am also using less Fade In and Fade Out as
these add audio problems. For now I attempt to have one
clip mask the lack of audio attenuation of the
other....Which is not always successful.

I have made another observation which is borne of
experience. I haved noticed in only two instances video
anomali which might indicate an improper CODEC for the
program. I observed that when a speed modification is used
that portion of the video will appear to jitter. My prior
experience in this was with a Final Cut Pro version which
did this and other things [possibly pops, stalls]
requiring the CODEC to be updated.
On this CODEC utilization point I am unclear why MM2
doesn't just configure the system to utilize the CODEC
which works properly...supplied with it, ignoring any
others.....Somewhat similar to the programmer who made a
bat file to unregister and register CODEC's.
It would seem better that MM2 just use what it needs,
standalone, so that we aren't forced to mess with files
trying to find the ones which interfer.

I guess I am becoming frustrated enough to feel these
kinds of things should be either worked out or explained
by Microsoft. In otherwords, when I take an IBM T40, [not
the R40, sorry], Or other newer machine mounted with XP
Pro I should be able to run MM2 without all this hassle.
Certainly, if not an integrated standalone MM2, a Readme
file suggesting how to configure such otherwise competent
machines ought to be easier for Microsoft to create than
the hours upon hours that untold Many are exhausting to
make it work for them.....or not........But maybe I'm
asking too much?
The music track seems fine.

Yeah, I'm just using those which came in the Fun Packs and
such, while the camera audio is what is captured by MM2.
[The scarcity of Sources makes for an interesting Creative
challenge. >:-)]

And this MM2 auto-matrix, if you will for automaticness,
is partly what fuels my presumption that these things
should work without frustration. I'm not really doing
anything not asked of Me by guidance of the program.
I haven't gotten That creative.
But I'm not done yet. Just wanted to update you.

Well, I thank you very much. And I appreciate your energy
towards this.
