
  • Thread starter Thread starter Angela Mathisen
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Angela Mathisen

This is very annoying. Please help Microsoft. Having
tried to download your new critical patches I am now in
crisis not being able to use my home work computer.
Everything just hangs as if in safe mode - tremendous
delay in doing anything and not able to get on the
internet either! What do I do now? What do I uninstall
and if I can't do that what next??

Urgent plea for help.
If you can get into the machine through safe mode, you can use
start -> settings -> control panel ->administrative tools ->event
to view the system or security log. It may tell you what's stopping
your system boot.

without knowing what you've got installed, it's hard to guess what
could be wrong.

If you can't get into safe mode, it will be difficult to uninstall
anything. So hopefully the viewer will work. If it doesn't unplug
all USB devices (printers, mice, keyboards etc) and all 1394 systems.
If you have an onboard USB chip, go into hardware setup and disable
it. Disable your on-board LAN chip if you've got one.

I've seen so many of these problems, and they're all different but
usually are caused by some optional hardware interaction with the OS.
So try to disable all your optional hardware (like the LAN card).
If disabling the LAN card fixes it, you might try to rename mup.sys so
Winnt won't find it. You probably don't need mup, and I've seen it
cause numerous "just hangs".

One more thing: if you can create a boot floppy which will let you
intto your file system, the system event log is probably at
winnt/system32/config/sysevent.evt. You can use elogdmp.exe to dump
the event file to an access database file that you can read off-line.
You'll find elogdmp on the win2K resource CD. I never tried to copy
the event log to a floppy and move it to another computer to read it,
I always export.

HTH a lot. Can be very frustrating.

I may have misinterpreted your problem. You might be experiencing the
100% CPU utilization problem described in other postings. If this is
the case you can remove all the updates as follows:

The easiest way to remove all of the Service Packs is to do an Inplace
To do this:

Go into the BIOS and change your Boot Order. Make CD-ROM first.
Place your Installation Win2000 CD in the tray and restart your box.
When the posting is started, you can tap the spacebar, and enter
When first prompted to Install or Repair, choose Install
After several more prompts you are asked if you want to Repair or go
forward with a
new install
This time choose "Repair"
The boot disk set is loaded and go from there.
After completion, you will need to install any SP's you care to do.
Also, you will need to reinstall I.E.6SP1, and it will be fresh (data
and settings inplace)

To make it run faster, so the install won't take so long do this:

(1) Boot into Safe mode.
(2) Run TaskManager - and noticed that the SYSTEM process
was using 99% of the CPU time.
(3) From TaskManager set the Priority of the EXPLORER
process to REALTIME, so that I can get to the control
(4) Run ADD/REMOVE PROGRAM from control panel.
(5) Go back to TaskManager and set the Priority of
get some CPU time.
(6) Select and Remove what you want to uninstall.
(7) Go back to TaskManager and set the Priority
of "SPUNIST.exe" to REALTIME, for the uninstall program to
