Patches without Internet Access

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I have Windows XP on a computer which is not connected to the
Internet. Do I need the updates and patches and if so how do I get
them without going online? Thanks.
I have Windows XP on a computer which is not connected to the
Internet. Do I need the updates and patches and if so how do I get
them without going online?

Some of the XP patches would be helpful even on a stand-alone system that is
never on line. While I cannot locate the information, I suspect you can
order hotfixes and updated on CD from Microsoft.
Brian Tillman Internet: Brian.Tillman at smiths-aerospace dot com
Smiths Aerospace Addresses modified to prevent SPAM.
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3 Replace "at" with "@", "dot" with "."
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991
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