Pasting picture in Excel increases size (Pasteface, Custom Button)



Hi all,

I am trying to create my customized button images for a
macro. I would like to store the images on an excel sheet
and paste them to the button on runtime.

However, i am not able to paste a 16x16 picture into
excel. Creating an 16x16 picture in Paint and insterting
it as picture into excel or copying and pasting it to
excel would return me a larger picture (16x18, when
copied back to Paint)
Even if I copy a buttonface from the default buttons and
paste it on an excel sheet, I retrieve an 16x18 image. So
using this for a button's face it is distorted....

Does anyone have an idea how to handle this problem?

Doug Glancy


Could you create a custom toolbar just to hold the images and then copy and
pasteface from that toolbar? Maybe you could attach the toolbar to the
workbook and then delete it from excel when you close the workbook.

Just an idea.




As far as I know, it is not possible to deliver a toolbar with an excel sheet since the toolbars are stored in some local file. That is why I would like to build the toolbar in runtime from the addin
Correct me if I am wrong

Dave Peterson

See your other post.
As far as I know, it is not possible to deliver a toolbar with an excel sheet since the toolbars are stored in some local file. That is why I would like to build the toolbar in runtime from the addin.
Correct me if I am wrong.

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