I created some graphs in excell 2007, then cut and paste them in a Power
Pointe Presentation. The original Excell spreadseet was saved as Test1. The
Powerpointe was saved as Test2.
When I completed all my work I then resaved the spreadsheet as Joe1 & Saved
the corresponding powerpointe as Joe2.
Now, lets say I open up Powerpointe Joe2 and I do not have Ecell running.
When I right click on one of the graphs and select Edit Data, Excell
spreadsheet Test 1 opens. How do I make the saved powerpointe presentation
know to reference the saved Excell spreadsheet Joe1?
Pointe Presentation. The original Excell spreadseet was saved as Test1. The
Powerpointe was saved as Test2.
When I completed all my work I then resaved the spreadsheet as Joe1 & Saved
the corresponding powerpointe as Joe2.
Now, lets say I open up Powerpointe Joe2 and I do not have Ecell running.
When I right click on one of the graphs and select Edit Data, Excell
spreadsheet Test 1 opens. How do I make the saved powerpointe presentation
know to reference the saved Excell spreadsheet Joe1?