Pasting fractions from Word; changing into dates



I am trying to paste a row of fractions in a Word table into an Excel
worksheet. The column is formatted as Fraction. But every Paste and Paste
Special I try puts these in and converts them to dates! Is there any way
around having to type these in by hand?



You can make it work if you put a 0 in front of each fraction in your Word
document and then copy and paste that into your fraction formatted cells,
e.g. to copy and paste

1/2 3/4

you would enter them in Word as

0 1/2 0 3/4

A Jones


Very nice, Andrea! Thank you!

Andrea Jones said:
You can make it work if you put a 0 in front of each fraction in your Word
document and then copy and paste that into your fraction formatted cells,
e.g. to copy and paste

1/2 3/4

you would enter them in Word as

0 1/2 0 3/4

A Jones

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