Pasting excel charts into word as bitmaps




I working on pasting several large excel sheets into word. I was able to do
this just fine for my first table by pasting it as a bitmap. But now, when I
try to paste the next table in, the bitmap cuts off the last 2 rows of my
table. If I want to show these rows, I have to copy three rows below the
table in excel before pasting it as a bitmap. This would be ok, but then the
border that I insert around the table in Word doesnt come out as I would
like. Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?

Thank you in advance!


In excel 2003 if you select the chart then hold down the Shift Key and go to
the menu Edit - Copy Picture you should be able to get the whole picture.
Another trick is to select the item and then pring it to the Microsoft Office
document Image Write. Then print which will create a TIF file. Then go to
word and Insert Picture from File. Select the TIF file.

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