I am dealing with a spread sheet in excel and I want to
paste two cells into one. I will be doing this for 315
rows, so I would like an easy function to do this. The
value for the first cell is an street address number (i.e.
123) and the second cell is a street name (i.e. Fake
Street). I want them to be displayed in a third cell that
says "123 FAKE STREET".. if the formula could also add the
space between the street number and street name, that
would be great!!!
Catsby McFatters
I am dealing with a spread sheet in excel and I want to
paste two cells into one. I will be doing this for 315
rows, so I would like an easy function to do this. The
value for the first cell is an street address number (i.e.
123) and the second cell is a street name (i.e. Fake
Street). I want them to be displayed in a third cell that
says "123 FAKE STREET".. if the formula could also add the
space between the street number and street name, that
would be great!!!
Catsby McFatters