Dan zaitoun
HI i'm trying to paste all the chart that exsits in the workbook one sheet ,
the method is working but some times i get "'run time error '1004'" .
Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
Here is the method that do it :
Sub ChangeGraphsToPhotos(Wbk1 As Workbook)
'wsheet = Nothing
Dim wsheet As Worksheet
Dim FileName As String
Dim ch As Chart
i = 1
j = 1
'This code works fine for chart sheets
FileName = Wbk1.FullName
Wbk1.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set Wbk1 = Nothing
Set Wbk1 = Application.Workbooks.Open(FileName)
Set wsheet = Wbk1.Worksheets.Add
For Each ch In Wbk1.Charts
'Application.CutCopyMode = False
If Not (InStr(ch.name, "Summary") <> 0) Then
End If
wsheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Picture (PNG)", Link:=False, _
wsheet.Shapes(i).ScaleHeight 0.5, msoFalse
wsheet.Shapes(i).ScaleWidth 1, msoFalse
wsheet.Shapes(i).Top = j
wsheet.Shapes(i).Left = 1
i = i + 1
j = j + 250
End If
Next ch
wsheet.name = "RT_Graphs"
wsheet.Move before:=Wbk1.Worksheets(1)
End Sub
the method is working but some times i get "'run time error '1004'" .
Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
Here is the method that do it :
Sub ChangeGraphsToPhotos(Wbk1 As Workbook)
'wsheet = Nothing
Dim wsheet As Worksheet
Dim FileName As String
Dim ch As Chart
i = 1
j = 1
'This code works fine for chart sheets
FileName = Wbk1.FullName
Wbk1.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set Wbk1 = Nothing
Set Wbk1 = Application.Workbooks.Open(FileName)
Set wsheet = Wbk1.Worksheets.Add
For Each ch In Wbk1.Charts
'Application.CutCopyMode = False
If Not (InStr(ch.name, "Summary") <> 0) Then
End If
wsheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Picture (PNG)", Link:=False, _
wsheet.Shapes(i).ScaleHeight 0.5, msoFalse
wsheet.Shapes(i).ScaleWidth 1, msoFalse
wsheet.Shapes(i).Top = j
wsheet.Shapes(i).Left = 1
i = i + 1
j = j + 250
End If
Next ch
wsheet.name = "RT_Graphs"
wsheet.Move before:=Wbk1.Worksheets(1)
End Sub