This is only one of many solutions:
There are numerous programs that would let you take your existing wallpaper
file and overlay other pictures on it, creating a new wallpaper file. This is
a manual process, though - would not be very useful if you want to change the
pictures that you "paste on" very often.
For example, you could get irfanview (freeware) from
Open the picture that you want to "paste on" and copy it to the clipboard (or
select an area of the picture, and copy that).
Open the wallpaper file.
Select the area that you want to paste the picture onto. (to keep it looking
the same, select an area the same size as the original picture - otherwise
it may get stretched or squeezed).
Select "paste" from the edit menu.
If you like what you see, save the file (probably under a new name, so you can
keep the original wallpaper file).
Set your wallpaper to the new file.
|I would like to know how to paste pictures on my desk top
|without losing my existing wallpaper