Paste Link or Data into a RichTextBox



I've seen applications that have a Paste Special and if clicked allow either
the Data to be pasted or a Link to be pasted.

I'm using the RichTextBox and I'd like to implement that feature.

Can anyone give me any help/direction?

I know how to make the PasteSpecial menu but do not know how to force the
paste to Link or Data.

What is the default RichTextBox - Link or Data.

I've used the tom interface if that helps.


But if I open paint, draw something and then do a Copy and then in my app I

I believe I get a Link because if I then click the image in the RichTextBox
it opens Paint.

So based on your statement I'd guess that DDE is not doing it but OLE is
doing something equivalent.

Does that make sense???

Is the term "Link" replaced with something else?

Thanks for the reference to the MS site.

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