Paste IBM Excel Graph into MAC Powerpoint - Graph not all there!?

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Hello. I work in a Division with users having either IBM-based PCs or MACs,
but all using MS Office. We have run into a situation where when
Copying-Pasting_Special_however a BAR-Line Graph with surrounding Cells from
the IBM Excel-Sourced File into a MAC-Powerpoint Slide, we are seeing only
part of the Graph being brought in (though all the Cells-content is). The
data represents 12-months of Data, and it is the 12th-month Bar-Line objects
on the Graph itself that are not being imported. Interestingly, this problem
does NOT occur when importing into Powerpoint on a PC. Other graphs also
manisfest this same "truncation", though different parts of the Graphs will
be missing)...

The MACs invovled are OS X, version 10.4.7, with MS Powerpoint 2004 for MAC,
version 11.2 (050714).

The PCs are running WinXP Profession 2002, SP2, with MS PowerPoint 2003
(11.8024.8028) SP2

Any help would be appreciated...

Hi Steve, thanks for your response. There is a statement under "Working
conclusions: #1" in the FAQ00068.htm document that says "XP has solved the
Excel cutoff problem", yet the versions we are working with here are at least
that, if not more recent, yet with the truncation issue still occurring.
Is there still a Clip Board limitation, and if so, will being frugal with
the number of columns/rows involved in the Copy-Paste (esp. when a
Worksheet Graph is involved) help? Are there any Hotfixes, updates to help
in this area?

Thanks again, Bill
Hi Steve, thanks for your response. There is a statement under "Working
conclusions: #1" in the FAQ00068.htm document that says "XP has solved the
Excel cutoff problem", yet the versions we are working with here are at least
that, if not more recent, yet with the truncation issue still occurring.

Hmm. I've updated the FAQ to fix the missing link to the XLS file we used for
testing, in case you'd like to try duplicating the same test as the FAQ uses.

Just did that here (PPT2003, WinXP) and I'm getting all the data when I paste
link or copy/paste normally.
Is there still a Clip Board limitation, and if so, will being frugal with
the number of columns/rows involved in the Copy-Paste (esp. when a
Worksheet Graph is involved) help? Are there any Hotfixes, updates to help
in this area?

I don't know of any hotfixes, but in your situation, I'd want to run some tests
to see if the clipboard limitation is the source of the problem or whether it's
something else.

We *do* also hear reports of data getting clipped after the user's pasted it,
then doubleclicked to edit and then returned to PPT. Some people seem to get
whacked by that regularly, others never see it.
Hi Steve,
[Again, this Truncation/Clipping problem is only occuring w/PowerPoint on
a MAC of the version I initially specified. PPT on the IBM is fine..]
A MAC Tech sppt person reinstalled an Old version of Both Excel and PPT on
the MAC involved, and when these older versions of the software were used,
the Problem disappeared. Below is a Table of test results.

New MAC Excel ==> New MAC PPT = Truncation (as previously reported)
New MAC Excel ==> Old MAC PPT = OK
Old MAC Excel ==> New MAC PPT = Truncation
Old MAC Excel ==> Old MAC PPT = OK

The conclusion I draw is that the newer version of MAC PPT contains the bug.
Here is the version-info of the "Old" Softwares:
Microsoft Excel X for MACs (1985-2001)
Microsoft PowerPoint X for MACs (1987-2001)

Anything else you hear that confirms, addresses or fixes this problem would
be appreciated...

Thanks, Bill
Hi Steve,
[Again, this Truncation/Clipping problem is only occuring w/PowerPoint on
a MAC of the version I initially specified.

I've only got Mac versions through OfficeX so can't test in Mac/2004, the latest

You might want to repost in Public.Mac.Office.PowerPoint (this same news server) and
include the link to the FAQ so people can grab the XLS file and test for themselves,
let you know what they find out.

I don't know of any solution to the problem, I'm afraid, other than keeping the
column widths down (so as to keep the overall size down) and am not sure whether
that'll help on the Mac or not. It's worth a shot though.

PPT on the IBM is fine..]