Paste copied data to specified sheet based on range - variable iss

  • Thread starter Thread starter fishy
  • Start date Start date


I have the following macro that copies data from the 'Daily Team Performance'
sheet and then dependant on the content of cell B4 on that sheet, should copy
this data to the respective named sheet on the 'buzz' workbook.

The problem is that when I try to run it I get the 'Invalid Qualifier'
message here: Set rDestination = Destsheet.Range("B4")...

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong as the other option is screeds of code
for every variation.

Sub UpdateData()

Dim Destsheet As String
Destsheet = Range("Daily Team Performance!B4")

Dim rSource As Excel.Range
Dim rDestination As Excel.Range

Set rSource = ActiveSheet.Range("Daily Team Performance!B4:M103")
Set rDestination = Destsheet.Range("B4")


Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _


Application.CutCopyMode = False

Set rSource = Nothing
Set rDestination = Nothing

Exit Sub

End Sub
syntax problem. try this.

Set rDestination = sheets("Destsheet").Range("B4")

Try this:

Sub UpdateData()

Dim rSource As Excel.Range
Dim rDestination As Excel.Range

Set rSource = ActiveSheet.Range("Daily Team Performance!B4:M103")
Set rDestination = Sheets("Daily Team Performance").Range("B4")


Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _


Application.CutCopyMode = False

Set rSource = Nothing
Set rDestination = Nothing

Exit Sub

End Sub
This has allowed a progression but now I am getting an error:

'Run time error 1004':
Method 'Range' of object' _Global' failed

This occurs at line:
Destsheet = Range("Daily Team Performance!B4")

The only thing I can think of is that the 'Daily team performance' is in a
variable workbook that is opened and is the active book using the following

'collate the name of the files
Dim datestamp As String
Dim Namefile As String
Dim OpenName As String
Dim Summary As String

Summary = Range("TeamData") & " Performance Model WC " &
Format(Range("WCDATA"), "dd_mm_yy") & ".xls"
datestamp = Range("TeamData") & " Performance Model WC " &
Format(Range("WCDATA"), "dd_mm_yy")
'open the workbook

Namefile = Range("TeamData")
OpenName = "\\ngclds06\manops\ams\Service\POM\" & Namefile & "\Performance
Models\" & datestamp & ".xls"

Workbooks.Open Filename:=OpenName, UpdateLinks:=False

Call Update_Data2

End sub

Do I need to refer back to these variables for the sheets?

again styntax problem
Set Destsheet =sheets("Daily Team Performance"). Range("B4")

and objects have to be set.

When I try FST1, I now receive an error -

Compile error: Object required

This highlights ' Set Destsheet = '

JLG, I then receive an run time 1004 at 'set rsource'

Seems to be getting there but out of my depth on what to do to resolve.

Hi fishy, I am having trouble determining exactly what you are trying to
do, so maybe this approach will help you to straighten it out.

Destsheet = Range("Daily Team Performance!B4")

This is incorrect syntax for assigning a string value to the variable
The correct syntax would be:

Dim Destsheet As Range
Set Destsheet = Sheets("Daily Team Performance").Range("B4").Value


Set rSource = ActiveSheet.Range("Daily Team Performance!B4:M103")

This is incorrect sytax for setting the object variable rSource.
The correct syntax would be:

1. If the ActiveSheet and Sheets("Daily Team Performance" ) are one and the
same sheet:

Set rSource = ActiveSheet.Range("B4:M103")

2. If the ActiveSheet and Sheets("Daily Team Performance") are different

Set rSource = Sheets("Daily Team Performance").Range("B4:M103")


Set rDestination = Destsheet.Range("B4")

This is incorrect since Destsheet had been declared as a string, it cannot
be used as an object variable. If Destsheet is, in fact, a range as shown
above as corrected syntax, then this this line is not needed.



Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _

If all of the previous assumptions are true then this can be changed to:

Destsheet.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

Hope this helps to clear things up.