Password required but no password?



I'm trying to open the Recovery Console to cure an SP2 restart problem
in XP Home as per MS article 875350. The Recovery Console is requiring a
password, but I had not been using a password before the failure. I've
tried every password I have ever used. I'm using an XP Pro disk to boot
up the Console since my Toshiba laptop did not ship with an XP install
disk. The Toshiba disks that I have want to reformat and reload all the
programs to the original state. Please help.



Do you have to install the RC before using it? If you do
not need a pwd logging intowindows, you don't need one for
the RC.

Bryan Martin

Thats not quite true Andy. XP had a bug where no matter what you used for a
password RC would not let you in.


That seems to be right. Instructions in MS article say just hit enter if
there was no password, but I get an "Incorrect Password" message. Could
this be because I'm using an old XP disk? You did say XP "had" a bug.


Bruce Chambers

pjruiz(nospaam)" <"pjruiz(nospaam) said:
I'm trying to open the Recovery Console to cure an SP2 restart
in XP Home as per MS article 875350. The Recovery Console is
requiring a password, but I had not been using a password before the
failure. I've tried every password I have ever used. I'm using an XP
Pro disk to boot up the Console since my Toshiba laptop did not ship
with an XP install disk. The Toshiba disks that I have want to
reformat and reload all the programs to the original state. Please

The password being requested is that of the built-in Administrator
account, not the password for any other administrative user accounts
that the computer's owner may have created. Unless the owner
deliberately set the Administrator's password via the Management
Console (_not_ the Control Panel), it's probably still blank. WinXP
Pro asks the installer to set the Administrator's password during
installation, but WinXP Home doesn't.


Bruce Chambers

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both at once. - RAH


I see. So, is obtaining an XP Home disk to boot up the only way for me
to open the Recovery Console?


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