Dave Horne
I'm running Vista Home Premium, SP1 and it's up to date. Last night I
removed the password that I must enter to start Windows. (This was done
under User Accounts and I am the Administrator.) Normally I would turn on
the computer and then have to wiat 30 seconds or so until that password
promt appeared. I was just saving myself a little time every morning by
removing that password.
Is the following just a coincidence or is this a direct result of that
removal? I opened Outlook 2007 went to get e-mail on three accounts and I
was forced to reenter all my passwords. I then open Windows Mail and I also
have to reeneter my password to retrieve my mail. All of this surprised me.
Was this a coincidence or not? Thanks, DH
removed the password that I must enter to start Windows. (This was done
under User Accounts and I am the Administrator.) Normally I would turn on
the computer and then have to wiat 30 seconds or so until that password
promt appeared. I was just saving myself a little time every morning by
removing that password.
Is the following just a coincidence or is this a direct result of that
removal? I opened Outlook 2007 went to get e-mail on three accounts and I
was forced to reenter all my passwords. I then open Windows Mail and I also
have to reeneter my password to retrieve my mail. All of this surprised me.
Was this a coincidence or not? Thanks, DH