George said:
What I am looking for is a way to lock down my computer
just like the Windows screen saver does but still be able
to see whats running on my computer screen. Is there a
clear screen saver feature. Or is there a way I could lock
down my keyboard and mouse ?
Two transparent screen locks for Win2000 that I know of:
- and -
Microsoft's "Clear Screen Saver" (clearsaversvc.exe) in Windows 2000
Server Resource kit Supplement One (buy-ware)
ClearSaverSvc is not installed by the Windows 2000 Resource Kit setup program.
Before using it, you must first install it from the Apps\Clearscreensaver\
folder of the Resource Kit companion CD using the following procedure:
To install ClearSaverSvc:
Log on to an account with Administrative permissions.
Copy Clearsaversvc.exe and Clear Screen Saver.scr into your system folder
(for example, C:\WINNT\system32).
Type the following command at the command line to install and start the
ClearSaverSvc service:
InstallPath\clearsaversvc.exe -i
InstallPath is the path for your system directory.
After the install, you need to select "Clear Screen Saver" in the Display
Properties to enable it.
Then, reboot the computer.
ClearSaverSvc Parameters
For installing ClearSaverSvc in alternate ways, the ClearSaverSvc has the
following parameters:
Service Name ClearScreenSaver
Service Display Name Clear Screen Saver support service
Service Type Own Process (not shared; exe contains only one service)
Log On As System Account (LocalSystem), Interact with Desktop;
Startup Automatic
Also note this one for the one from Microsoft:
Clear Screen Saver Does Not Work On Multi-Monitor Workstations;en-us;287020