Password-protecting shares in XP Home



I can't add a password to shared folders in Windows XP Home Edition. I want to be able to access my hard disk remotely, yet I do not want it open to everyone. Why was this feature removed in XP Home when it was available in previous versions (even the home ones like 95, 98, and ME)?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

I can't add a password to shared folders in Windows XP Home Edition. I want to be able to access my hard disk remotely, yet I do not want it open to everyone. Why was this feature removed in XP Home when it was available in previous versions (even the home ones like 95, 98, and ME)?

Windows XP was developed from Windows NT and 2000, which have never
had passwords for shared folders.

Here are some options for safe, password-protected remote access to
your computer:

1. Create an incoming VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection on your

2. Run remote control software like VNC or PCAnywhere.

For more information, I suggest looking at news group
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

Brian Toms

I do not want to have to configure anything on the other computers, just
connect to my computer from there by going into Network Neighborhood/My
Network Places.
want to be able to access my hard disk remotely, yet I do not want it open
to everyone. Why was this feature removed in XP Home when it was available
in previous versions (even the home ones like 95, 98, and ME)?


Oh, and I figured out how to access Advanced File Sharing (thru Safe Mode),
so how do I set it so only certain computers can access it? (if that is
best way)

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