Ray said:
But this is so easily defeated by using "View Source" is it really any
protection? <G>
Here's one that I use and it is pretty effective. You simply need to
specify a number for pw and pw2 and then calculate the value for pw3
(it's 159 for the example below because that'w what you get if pw is 4
and pw2 is 53) by the equation given in the script. I suppose you could
eventually guess the password numbers but it would take a long time.
Pretty clever.
Jim Daniel
// Password Access Script (Version 1.2) (c) Brian Miller, 1997.
// Tech Support: (e-mail address removed)
// Released: June 21, 1997
// |¯¯) |¯¯) | |¯¯¯| |\ | |\ /| | | | |¯¯ |¯¯)
// |-- |-- | |---| | \ | | \/ | | | | |-- |--
// |__) | \ | | | | \| | | | |__ |__ |__ | \
// Use this script freely... AS LONG AS THIS HEADER IS INCLUDED.
var pw=prompt("Enter Password Part I","");
var pw2=prompt("Enter Password Part II","");
var pw3= (pw2*pw)+(pw-pw2)-pw
if (pw3 == 159)
parent.location.href = "grades.htm"
alert("ACCESS DENIED Reload and Try Again.");
// ******************** VERSION 1.0 NOTES ********************
// * 1.) The password can be any amount of numbers *
// * 2.) Letters CANNOT be used in this version. *
// * You can contact me at (e-mail address removed) to see if a *
// * new version is ready. *
// * 3.) At this time, you can only use one password but *
// * I am working on allowing multiple passwords. *
// * 4.) You can change what it says on the alert without *
// * affecting the script. *
// * 5.) You can change where the script goes when it *
// * receives the correct password by changing this: *
// * parent.location.href = "NEW LOCATION" *
// * 6.) Please report any bugs to (e-mail address removed) *
// ***********************************************************