Try the following, let me know if it works.......
1. Click onto Tools, choose Protection and click onto Allow users to Edit
Ranges. (This command is only available when the worksheet is not protected).
2. Click onto New.
3. In the Title box, type a title for the range you are granting access to.
4. Click onto Refers to Cells, type an equal sign (=) and select the cell(s)
you wish this specific user to be able to gain access to.
5. In the Range Password section, type a password to access the range. (The
password is optional, however, if you don’t supply a password, any user will
be able to edit the cells).
6. Click Permissions… and then choose Add.
You must now enter the details of the user(s) you wish to gain access to
this password-protected section.
7. Enter the name of the user and click onto Check Names. This will ensure
that Excel recognises the user.
8. Click onto Ok twice. If prompted, re-enter the password.
9. Click onto Protect Sheet. (You are now protecting the rest of the
worksheet, as normal).
10. In the Protect Sheet dialog box, enter a password for the worksheet,
re-enter when prompted.
11. Choose OK.
The whole worksheet has now been ‘locked’ to prevent changes being made by
other users. The user you specified earlier can gain access to the
designated cell(s) after entering the password.