Hi, my first request for info.....
My son is starting to make use of my PC now and while I store all the stuff
I'd rather he didnt see on a second harddrive I wonder if there is a way to
password protect it altogether?
Either pw the whole drive so that access to anything on there needs the pw
first or to pw the files/folders on there instead.....
I'm not a newbie PC user but I'm no wizard either so something really simple
that even a bloke like me could deal with would be great......is there
anything like that? I've had a look on PLW / PLWH but nothing stands out
that will do this.....maybe there isn't anything like that??
orrrrrrrr is that what 'encryption is about? (told ya I was thick at times!)
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My son is starting to make use of my PC now and while I store all the stuff
I'd rather he didnt see on a second harddrive I wonder if there is a way to
password protect it altogether?
Either pw the whole drive so that access to anything on there needs the pw
first or to pw the files/folders on there instead.....
I'm not a newbie PC user but I'm no wizard either so something really simple
that even a bloke like me could deal with would be great......is there
anything like that? I've had a look on PLW / PLWH but nothing stands out
that will do this.....maybe there isn't anything like that??
orrrrrrrr is that what 'encryption is about? (told ya I was thick at times!)
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A Journey of a thousand miles starts with but a small step......
Stay safe and be well on YOUR Journey

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