OK. I've got a PC running XP Pro. My printer is hooked up to it via USB. I've
been connecting to the PC's folders and printing to the printer from my
notebook running Vista Ultimate for the past 9 months.
I finally got tired of my cat waliking on the notebook's keyboard and
messing things up, do I put a password on my User Name on the notebook. Now,
I can't connect to the PC to share folders or print to the printer. I went to
the PC and tried to mess with the security, but my notebook's name is not in
the "Locations" and there does not seem to be a way to add it.
I took the password off my Notebook user name and now I can share folders
and print again. I'd really like to put the passord back on.
Any help would be appreciated.
been connecting to the PC's folders and printing to the printer from my
notebook running Vista Ultimate for the past 9 months.
I finally got tired of my cat waliking on the notebook's keyboard and
messing things up, do I put a password on my User Name on the notebook. Now,
I can't connect to the PC to share folders or print to the printer. I went to
the PC and tried to mess with the security, but my notebook's name is not in
the "Locations" and there does not seem to be a way to add it.
I took the password off my Notebook user name and now I can share folders
and print again. I'd really like to put the passord back on.
Any help would be appreciated.