I have new computers (only one month old) at home, all with Windows 7 Home
Premium. There are 2 adminstrative users (mom and dad) and 3 standard users
(our children), all with their own passwords. The operating system is asking
the standard users to change their passwords after only one month! Is there
any way to disable this? I have not been able to locate any options for
passwords. While I would like my children to have their privacy, I don't
want to require them to change their passwords every month. I can understand
in a business environment the need to require users to change their passwords
on a regular basis. But this should not be necessary for home use (this is
Windows 7 Home (not business) Premium) and certainly not every 30 days. Thank
Premium. There are 2 adminstrative users (mom and dad) and 3 standard users
(our children), all with their own passwords. The operating system is asking
the standard users to change their passwords after only one month! Is there
any way to disable this? I have not been able to locate any options for
passwords. While I would like my children to have their privacy, I don't
want to require them to change their passwords every month. I can understand
in a business environment the need to require users to change their passwords
on a regular basis. But this should not be necessary for home use (this is
Windows 7 Home (not business) Premium) and certainly not every 30 days. Thank