HELP! A friend was given 2 Compaq computers with Windows XP Pro., SP2 but
cannot log in as they do not have the correct passwords for the 2 userID's on
the system.
I took the two PC's home as I knew I could bypass the passwords by going
into "Safe Mode" and using the default "Administrator" to reset the user's
passwords, however, the Admin account also has a password set so I cannot
reset the passwords to login.
I've been emailing back and forth with a Tech from Microsoft but I'm not
getting the information I need to bypass the UserAccount(s) to reset or
delete the passwords. He sent me a WindowsXP Pro, SP2 disk and I re-installed
Windows but after the installation I still had the same password issue.
How can I get access to bypass the user accounts and reset or delete
passwords? Note: I've noticed in the window of the user account, upper left,
"System Security File is Full". What can I do?
cannot log in as they do not have the correct passwords for the 2 userID's on
the system.
I took the two PC's home as I knew I could bypass the passwords by going
into "Safe Mode" and using the default "Administrator" to reset the user's
passwords, however, the Admin account also has a password set so I cannot
reset the passwords to login.
I've been emailing back and forth with a Tech from Microsoft but I'm not
getting the information I need to bypass the UserAccount(s) to reset or
delete the passwords. He sent me a WindowsXP Pro, SP2 disk and I re-installed
Windows but after the installation I still had the same password issue.
How can I get access to bypass the user accounts and reset or delete
passwords? Note: I've noticed in the window of the user account, upper left,
"System Security File is Full". What can I do?