Marlon Brown
In a security workshop today somebody mentioned that a safe passphrase
system is available on Windows (not sure if it is XP, 2003, 2000). That
should provide capabilities for end users use "dictionary" passwords that
would be converted onto complex passwords in the background.
I reasearched that information and I couldn't find anything about Windows
offering that capability. I saw third party tools doing that job though.
Can somebody tell me if Windows offers passphrases features and if so, point
me to that direction.
system is available on Windows (not sure if it is XP, 2003, 2000). That
should provide capabilities for end users use "dictionary" passwords that
would be converted onto complex passwords in the background.
I reasearched that information and I couldn't find anything about Windows
offering that capability. I saw third party tools doing that job though.
Can somebody tell me if Windows offers passphrases features and if so, point
me to that direction.