I have two aspx pages in a frame and in the top page[top frame] i am
creating the controls[TextBox etc..] dynamically and putting in a place
holder. I have a hyperlink in this page[top frame] to populate the data in
the bottom aspx page[bottom frame]. When the user clicks this hyperlink i
need to populate the bottom aspx page[bottom aspx page]based on the user
imputs. So i need to pass the values from the top aspx page [top frame] to
bottom aspx page[bottom frame]. how can i achieve this. Please give some
Thanks in Advance
I have two aspx pages in a frame and in the top page[top frame] i am
creating the controls[TextBox etc..] dynamically and putting in a place
holder. I have a hyperlink in this page[top frame] to populate the data in
the bottom aspx page[bottom frame]. When the user clicks this hyperlink i
need to populate the bottom aspx page[bottom aspx page]based on the user
imputs. So i need to pass the values from the top aspx page [top frame] to
bottom aspx page[bottom frame]. how can i achieve this. Please give some
Thanks in Advance