Passing Values From Command Buttons

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How do I pass a value from a command button to a procedure

Let's say I have four command buttons, one labeled "Red", "Green", "Brown" and one labeled "Yellow"
Let's also say that I have a procedure named "ColorCell"

How do I get the procedure to color the cell appropriately depending on which button is clicked

Thank you

You can only do it with control commandbuttons, and you can do it from their
Click event procedure, setting the BackColor property to an RGB colour, not



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Hi Scott

You can use this macro with Forms buttons

It use the name of the button to check out what color it must use

Sub ColorCell()
Dim butname
butname = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name
Select Case butname
Case Is = "Red": ActiveCell.Interior.Color = vbRed
Case Is = "Green": ActiveCell.Interior.Color = vbGreen
End Select
End Sub
Normally you'd assign a sub (macro) to a button from the
Form menu by right clicking then Assign Macro

To call a procedure passing a variable, in VBA for example

ShowMyColor "RED"

This would call the procedure called "ShowMyColor" ,
passing a text string "RED" to it

This is the same as what you'd type in the assign macro
but you "wrap" the command line in single quotes
'ShowMyColor "RED"'


Book1!'Button2_Click "BLUE"'

Patrick Molloy
Microsoft Excel MVP

-----Original Message-----
How do I pass a value from a command button to a procedure?

Let's say I have four command buttons, one
labeled "Red", "Green", "Brown" and one labeled "Yellow".
Let's also say that I have a procedure named "ColorCell".

How do I get the procedure to color the cell
appropriately depending on which button is clicked?
Dear All

Thanks for your input. I still can't get it to work. What do I need to do to the code below to fix it (i.e. pass the variable)? Here is my procedure
Sub ColorCell(


Select Case Numbe
With Selection.Interio
.ColorIndex = 6 'Yello
.Pattern = xlSoli
End Wit

With Selection.Interio
.ColorIndex = 10 'Gree
.Pattern = xlSoli
End Wit

With Selection.Interio
.ColorIndex = 5 'Blu
.Pattern = xlSoli
End Wit

With Selection.Interio
.ColorIndex = 3 'Re
.Pattern = xlSoli
End Wit

End Selec

End Su
Here is my Click Event

Sub CommandButton1_Click(
End Su
Scott said:
Dear All,

Thanks for your input. I still can't get it to work. What do I need to do to the code below to fix it (i.e. pass the variable)? Here is my procedure:
Sub ColorCell()


Select Case Number
Case 1
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 6 'Yellow
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With

Case 2
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 10 'Green
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With

Case 3
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 5 'Blue
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With

Case 4
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 3 'Red
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With

End Select

End Sub
Here is my Click Event:

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ColorCell 1
End Sub

Sub ColorCell(ByVal i as Integer)
Select Case i
... rest of code stays the same

In order to make it easier to follow the code, pass a string instead of
a number.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ColorCell "Red" 'or whatever color this is
End Sub

Sub ColorCell(ByVal s as String)
Select Case s
Case "Red"
... rest of code stays essentially the same, just change the case
