I have found a code that suppose to pass collected variables from text
boxes in a form to construct a URL and pass it onto a web browser and
locate the address in google map. the code executes with no error but
no browser opens up. any help is appreciated.......
if this is a wrong group please point me to the right one.
Private Sub GoogleMapsLink_Click()
Dim strLinkUrl As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strAddr() As String
strPath = "http://maps.google.com/maps?q="
strLinkUrl = RTrim(streetnumber.Value) & "+" & RTrim(city.Value) & "+"
& RTrim(state.Value)
strAddr = Split(strLinkUrl, " ", , vbTextCompare)
strLinkUrl = ""
For i = LBound(strAddr()) To UBound(strAddr())
strLinkUrl = strLinkUrl & strAddr(i) & "+"
Next i
strLinkUrl = strPath & Left(strLinkUrl, Len(strLinkUrl) - 1)
Debug.Print strLinkUrl
Me.GoogleMapsLink.HyperlinkAddress = strLinkUrl
End Sub
boxes in a form to construct a URL and pass it onto a web browser and
locate the address in google map. the code executes with no error but
no browser opens up. any help is appreciated.......
if this is a wrong group please point me to the right one.
Private Sub GoogleMapsLink_Click()
Dim strLinkUrl As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strAddr() As String
strPath = "http://maps.google.com/maps?q="
strLinkUrl = RTrim(streetnumber.Value) & "+" & RTrim(city.Value) & "+"
& RTrim(state.Value)
strAddr = Split(strLinkUrl, " ", , vbTextCompare)
strLinkUrl = ""
For i = LBound(strAddr()) To UBound(strAddr())
strLinkUrl = strLinkUrl & strAddr(i) & "+"
Next i
strLinkUrl = strPath & Left(strLinkUrl, Len(strLinkUrl) - 1)
Debug.Print strLinkUrl
Me.GoogleMapsLink.HyperlinkAddress = strLinkUrl
End Sub