Passing Two Argument in OpenFrom

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken Hudson
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Ken Hudson

I got some assistance here yesterday with passing one argument to a form.
Like most cases, you always wnat one more thing.
In addition to passing a hard coded argument, I want to pass a variable
I have used an InputBox to capture the variable.
How do I then pass the hard coded and varibale arguments to the form?

Private Sub cmdOpenActiveProjectsForm_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenActiveProjectsForm_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim stEmpNumber
stEmpNumber = InputBox("Enter your employee number.")
stLinkCriteria = "intStatus = 1," & stEmpNumber (This does not work.)
stDocName = "frmProjectsPM"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenActiveProjectsForm_Click

End Sub
Hi Roger,
If you are still "listening", I have a follow up coding question.
I have two switchboards, one for administrators and one for others, that
subsequently open my projects form.
When I open the administrator switchboard, I want to set a variable
(strAdmin) to "Y." When the switchboard opens the projects form, I want that
variable to "carry over" to the event code that runs on that other form.
I can't figure out how to do that. Using "Public" doesn't seem to carryy it
from one form to another.
If I can't "carry over" the variable, is there a way to "stuff" the "Y" into
an unbound text box in the projects form that is opened? Then I could
reference that text box in the form's code.
You can pass parameters to a form with the OpenArgs property. It's the last
value in the OpenForm parameter list.

On my website (, is a small Access database
sample called "OpenArgs.mdb" which illustrates how to do this. You can find
it here:

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples:
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