passing parameters from command line

  • Thread starter Thread starter Albrecht Hesmert
  • Start date Start date

Albrecht Hesmert


I want to pass parameters to an excel macro when calling it from command

e.g. something like:

excel myexcel.xls filename.txt

The excel macro should process the file filename.txt
Is this possible? What do I have to do in the macro to access the

Thanks & regards,
Hi Albrecht,
I want to pass parameters to an excel macro when calling it from command

Never heard of this.

You could use an auto_open makro or workbook_open-event in the xls-file.
However, this will also run everytime *you* open the file.

My second solution (that I use under other circumstances) is to have a
second excel file that has an workbook_open event that will open your file
and call a makro there that will do what you want. You could start the
second file in your batchfile, command prompt or whatever. (Sounds
complicated but with this method I can run 30 reports automatically every
day. All these reports have the same macro.)

Best regards

Hi Arno,

thanks for the reply.
Still: When I use Auto_Open, how do I get the parameter (e.g. the filename,
that changes every day)?

Hi Arno,

thanks for the reply.
Still: When I use Auto_Open, how do I get the parameter (e.g. the filename,
that changes every day)?

Hi Albrecht,
Still: When I use Auto_Open, how do I get the parameter (e.g. the filename,
that changes every day)?

That's a different story. There _must_ be a rule to find out the filename.
If you create the filename, then I would use the same name every day. If
this is not possible the you have to know what the name is, eg. it has
always todays date. Then you can have a macro like this:

myFile = "testFile"
myExtension = ".txt"
myDate = format(today(), "DDMMYYYY")

myFiletoOpen = myFile & myDate & myExtension

then you can do with myFiletoOpen whatever you like (it will be
"testFile11022004.txt" for today).

