Passing Literal Statements Using Variable

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff Freilich
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Jeff Freilich

Hi All

I am having some problems passing a literal statement using a variable
(at least I think that is what I am trying to do - if I have mis-
stated what I am really trying to do please let me know)

Here is what I am doing - I want to make a change to a field using:

Forms!OLRMain.fSubOLSubCDManager.Form!txtOLHMDep.BackColor = 10092543

This works perfectly fine - my problem is that I want to pass some of
the items that comprise that statement as variabes:

Forms!OLRMain.Variable1.Form!Variable2.BackColor = 10092543

How can I pass this statement so that it will run properly?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated - if you need more information
please let me know


Forms!OLRMain.Controls(Variable1).Form.Controls(Variable2).BackColor =