passing info between browser windows



Say I have main.aspx, that opens dialog.aspx in a browser dialog type
window. User clicks "search" and a list is populated in dialog.aspx. I
would like to be able to have the user select a few items from a list box,
then be able to click an "ok" button and have the selected items passed back
to main.aspx and populated there.

Is there any ASP.NET server side code that would make this easier than
handling the logic with javascript, window.opener, etc?

Thanks in advance!


Eliyahu Goldin


If you wish, you can do it on server-side. The steps involved are:

main.aspx client calls showModalDialog ('dialog.aspx', ...);
dialog.aspx server gets the selected items in a postback.
dialog.aspx server writes the selected items in a session variable.
dialog.aspx server communicates to dialog.aspx client a request to close the
dialog window.
dialog.aspx client closes the window;
main.aspx client main.aspx client.
main.aspx server gets the selected items from the session variable and
populates the form

Having said this, I should add that a client-side solution looks to me as a
better option.


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