Passing double to Unmanaged Functions

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I am new to CppNet
How can I pass a double or float value to Unmanaged function from Managed CppNet Program. I can pass an integer with no problem but when I try it with double or float I get the following compile error
can not convert from __gc float * to float * can not convert from unmanaged to managed
Thanks for your help.
1. Use Platform Invoke to define the unmanaged function:
2. Use System types and the Interop Marshal will automatically convert the data from managed to unmanaged:

using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
namespace MyNamespace
[DllImport(S"myUnmanagedDLL")] extern "C" void myUnmanagedFunction(System::Double *myDouble, System::Float *myFloat)

public __gc class MyClass

void myClassFunction() {
System::Double aDouble;
System::Float aFloat;
myUnmanagedFunction(&aDouble, &aFloat);

check out these pages for more info:

----- JohnO wrote: -----

I am new to CppNet.
How can I pass a double or float value to Unmanaged function from Managed CppNet Program. I can pass an integer with no problem but when I try it with double or float I get the following compile error:
can not convert from __gc float * to float * can not convert from unmanaged to managed.
Thanks for your help.
Hi John,
I am new to CppNet.
How can I pass a double or float value to Unmanaged function from Managed
CppNet Program. I can pass an integer with no problem but when I try it with
double or float I get the following compile error:
can not convert from __gc float * to float * can not convert from
unmanaged to managed.

You're problem likely arises from trying to pass a float instance that's
part of a managed reference type (or it's somehow getting into the managed
heap) into unmanaged code. What you should do is pin the object containing
the float instance before getting it's address.


__gc struct FloatContainer {
float theFloat;


FloatContainer* fa = new FloatContainer();
fa->theFloat = 12.23;

FloatContainer __pin * pinnedFa = fa;