passing data from a Form to a nested Form at deep 3

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tran
  • Start date Start date


Hello all,

We encountered a problem in the Forms. We have a Main Form with a subform
which itself has a subform (three nested forms). Our problem arises when we
open the main form (with it subforms) for the first time, when tables are
still empty, we get an error. We pass a value from the main form all the
way down to the third nested form. The third form's Record Source is set to
a query which has a value from the main form, but the query evaluates to
Null when we first try to open this third nested form, raising an error.
The precise error is tblGenericParty.HostFK is null.

The above may be sufficient for the extremely savvy reader to identify the
problem, but I give below my full table design and structure of the forms to
enable pinpointing exactly where I went wrong.

Basically, we have hosts who through various types of parties (birthday
parties, weddings) etc. So we have a host table, a generic party table
which has one-to-one relationships with specific parties.






ID [PK, autonumber]

Host.FK [first composite natural key - required]

Date [second composit natural key - required]



ID [PK, one-to-one with GenericParty.ID]



ID [PK, one-to-one with GenericParty.ID]



We have three levels of forms. The objective is that the user selects the
host (eg Tom Smit) and party type (eg Birthday) from two comboxes and then
within a datagrid all the birthday parties hosted by tom will appear, with
all the relevant values (date, AttributesCommonToAllParties, and
AttributesOfBirthdayParties). We therefore have to pass a value from the
combo boxes on the main form all the way down to the (3rd nested) subform.

We (try to) achieve this as follows:

Controllers of the Main Form:




Switching of the form of the subform:

subFormParty.Source Object = cmbPartyType.Value

This ensures that frmBirthday will be displayed in the subform.

The expression cmbPartyType.Value evaluates to Wedding or
Birthday etc.

Attributes of subFormParty:

subFormParty.LinkMasterField = cmbHost.Value

subFormParty.LinkChildField = tblGenericParty.Host.FK

Form Birthday (or Form Wedding) Controllers



Attributes of subFormBirthdayContainer:

subFormBirthdayContainer.LinkMasterField =

subFormBirthdayContainer.LinkChildField =

subFormBirthdayContainer.Source Object = subFormBirthday

SUBFORM BIRTHDAY (or subfromWedding etc)

Attributes of subformBirthday:

RecordSource = qryBirthday

The query being an inner join of tblGenericParty and tblBirthday
(tblGenericParty.ID = tblBirthday.ID)

Controllers (fields) of subformBirthday




Within the qryBirthday we have the HostFK to identify the host. However,
when we first run the form for the first time, the value of HostFK is null
so someone (probably the query) throws and error that a required value is

We are using Access 2000 on Windows XP.

Any help would be appreciated.

Rony Boter
Hello all,
We encountered a problem in the Forms. We have a Main Form with a subform
which itself has a subform (three nested forms). Our problem arises when we
open the main form (with it subforms) for the first time, when tables are
still empty, we get an error. We pass a value from the main form all the
way down to the third nested form. The third form's Record Source is set to
a query which has a value from the main form, but the query evaluates to
Null when we first try to open this third nested form, raising an error.
The precise error is tblGenericParty.HostFK is null.

I see two posibilities:
add On error resume next above the error line

or check bevor the line: if tblGenericParty.HostFK for nullValue

I use most of the time unbound forms and fill the recordsources on the
onOpen event of the forms to avoid such problems
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Could you please be more specific

Rony Boter