A form is bound to a table, so why pass a value to a form, just update the
table that form is linked to.
Unless you want to open a form in mdb2 from mdb1.
If that the case, you can create a reference to mdb2 from mdb1.
1. Open mdb1
2. Open code (any where) from the menu bar select tools > reference
3. Link mdb2
At that stage mdb1 will recognize all the functions in mdb2
4. Open Mdb2
5. Create a function that recieve a value and opening the form and passing a
value to it using the OpenArgs (need to be created in a module)
Function OpenMyForm(MyValue As String)
Docmd.OpenForm "FormName" , , , , , , MyValue
End Function
6. On the Load event of the form write the code
If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.TextBoxName = Me.OpenArgs
End If
7. Open Mdb1 , from it you can run the function created in stage 5
OpenMyForm ValueToPass
Note: Might need to change the type of the value assed to the function