ken hughes
I'm trying to pass data between the Data Access Layer and
the Business Process Layer of my app....
Is the best way to do this...
public function SavePerson(byval ds as dataSet) as boolean
.... code in here
end function
public function LoadPerson(byval ID as integer) as Dataset
.... code in here
end function
BPL (CPerson class)
public sub Save()
.... create the dataset (objDS)
.... create ref to DAL (objDAL)
.... objDAL.SavePerson(objDS)
end sub
public sub Load()
.... create ref to DAL (objDAL)
.... objDS = objDAL.LoadPerson(ID)
.... populate properties from dataset
end sub
Should I be passing byval or byref ??
Thanks .. Ken
I'm trying to pass data between the Data Access Layer and
the Business Process Layer of my app....
Is the best way to do this...
public function SavePerson(byval ds as dataSet) as boolean
.... code in here
end function
public function LoadPerson(byval ID as integer) as Dataset
.... code in here
end function
BPL (CPerson class)
public sub Save()
.... create the dataset (objDS)
.... create ref to DAL (objDAL)
.... objDAL.SavePerson(objDS)
end sub
public sub Load()
.... create ref to DAL (objDAL)
.... objDS = objDAL.LoadPerson(ID)
.... populate properties from dataset
end sub
Should I be passing byval or byref ??
Thanks .. Ken