I have a series of invoice reports. A box at the top displays the name and address of the invoicees. These are retrieved from a bound table which includes a typical set of name and address fields entitled Name_1, Name_2, Address_1, Address_2, Address_3, Town/City, County and Post_Code. The Name fields are concatenated on the report so that the recipient’s name is printed in the usual first-name-followed-by-surname format, in a single field. This is quite straightforward and causes no difficulty. The next bit is less easy, however. It is not desirable to print the remaining address fields straight off the table because some of them are often blank and the resulting direct output therefore unsightly. (CanShrink is of no use because it appears only possible to use it if there is nothing else printed on the same line as any of the fields that are to be shrunk to zero size.
I have therefore written a public ‘compacting’ sub which runs a bubble sort on the fields and packs the address fields into a contiguous block, leaving the blanks at the bottom, so that they do not appear on the print. The address fields are copied into a local 5-element variant array which is then passed to the compacting sub. On return from this sub, the elements of the compacted array are then allocated to the local fields on the report. This works just fine but the code is clumsy and I cannot, at the moment, see a way of making it any more succinct
The present code reads:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer
Dim Address(5) As Varian
Address(0) = Address_
Address(1) = Address_
Address(2) = Address_
Address(3) = Town_Cit
Address(4) = Count
Address(5) = Post_Cod
'It is necessary to copy the address fields into a private transfe
'array otherwise Compact_Address will attempt to repack the addres
'fields of tbl_Name_Address
Compact_Address Address(0), Address(1), Address(2), Address(3), Address(4), Address(5
Address_A = Address(0
Address_B = Address(1
Address_C = Address(2
Address_D = Address(3
Address_E = Address(4
Address_F = Address(5
'Address_A to Address_F are the field names on the report, where i
'does not appear to be possible to declare them as an array
End Su
The compacting sub is:
Public Sub Compact_Address(ParamArray InAddress() As Variant
Dim I As Integer, J As Intege
Dim Quit As Boolea
J =
For I = 0 To
If IsNull(InAddress(I)) = False Then J = J +
'J counts the number of non-null address fields in InAddress(
For I = 0 To 4 'End with the penultimate entr
If IsNull(InAddress(I)) The
InAddress(I) = InAddress(I + 1
InAddress(I + 1) = Nul
End I
Quit = Tru
For I = 0 To J -
If IsNull(InAddress(I)) Then Quit = Fals
'With more than one null address field, the bubble sort need
'more than one pass to pack the address array. The latte
'test determines whether the sort has finished by looking fo
'null fields in the first J fields. (Note that I starts fro
'a datum of 0 whereas J starts from 1.) When the sort ha
'finished, the address fields will have been packed into th
'the first J fields of the address array, which will contai
'no nulls
Loop Until Qui
End Su
Ideally, I would like to be able to write something like the following:
Compact_Address(RepArray(), Address_1, Address_2, Address_3, Town_City, County, Post_Code
(In fact this would probably have to be â€
Compact_Address RepArray(), ByVal Address_1, ByVal Address_2 etc.,
but I have omitted the ByVals, for the sake of brevity
RepArray() is the local address of the address field array on the report
I am unable to make this work, firstly because I cannot declare the address fields directly as an array, on the report, and secondly because I cannot avoid the use of the intermediary array Address() in the report detail formatting code. Even so, I am disappointed to note that I cannot pass Address() en bloc. If I write ‘Compact_Address Address()’, for example, I simply get a ‘subscript out of bounds’ error in the compacting sub
There must surely be a more elegant solution, or should I just be content that the thing delivers the goods, however clumsily?
I have therefore written a public ‘compacting’ sub which runs a bubble sort on the fields and packs the address fields into a contiguous block, leaving the blanks at the bottom, so that they do not appear on the print. The address fields are copied into a local 5-element variant array which is then passed to the compacting sub. On return from this sub, the elements of the compacted array are then allocated to the local fields on the report. This works just fine but the code is clumsy and I cannot, at the moment, see a way of making it any more succinct
The present code reads:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer
Dim Address(5) As Varian
Address(0) = Address_
Address(1) = Address_
Address(2) = Address_
Address(3) = Town_Cit
Address(4) = Count
Address(5) = Post_Cod
'It is necessary to copy the address fields into a private transfe
'array otherwise Compact_Address will attempt to repack the addres
'fields of tbl_Name_Address
Compact_Address Address(0), Address(1), Address(2), Address(3), Address(4), Address(5
Address_A = Address(0
Address_B = Address(1
Address_C = Address(2
Address_D = Address(3
Address_E = Address(4
Address_F = Address(5
'Address_A to Address_F are the field names on the report, where i
'does not appear to be possible to declare them as an array
End Su
The compacting sub is:
Public Sub Compact_Address(ParamArray InAddress() As Variant
Dim I As Integer, J As Intege
Dim Quit As Boolea
J =
For I = 0 To
If IsNull(InAddress(I)) = False Then J = J +
'J counts the number of non-null address fields in InAddress(
For I = 0 To 4 'End with the penultimate entr
If IsNull(InAddress(I)) The
InAddress(I) = InAddress(I + 1
InAddress(I + 1) = Nul
End I
Quit = Tru
For I = 0 To J -
If IsNull(InAddress(I)) Then Quit = Fals
'With more than one null address field, the bubble sort need
'more than one pass to pack the address array. The latte
'test determines whether the sort has finished by looking fo
'null fields in the first J fields. (Note that I starts fro
'a datum of 0 whereas J starts from 1.) When the sort ha
'finished, the address fields will have been packed into th
'the first J fields of the address array, which will contai
'no nulls
Loop Until Qui
End Su
Ideally, I would like to be able to write something like the following:
Compact_Address(RepArray(), Address_1, Address_2, Address_3, Town_City, County, Post_Code
(In fact this would probably have to be â€
Compact_Address RepArray(), ByVal Address_1, ByVal Address_2 etc.,
but I have omitted the ByVals, for the sake of brevity
RepArray() is the local address of the address field array on the report
I am unable to make this work, firstly because I cannot declare the address fields directly as an array, on the report, and secondly because I cannot avoid the use of the intermediary array Address() in the report detail formatting code. Even so, I am disappointed to note that I cannot pass Address() en bloc. If I write ‘Compact_Address Address()’, for example, I simply get a ‘subscript out of bounds’ error in the compacting sub
There must surely be a more elegant solution, or should I just be content that the thing delivers the goods, however clumsily?