passing an object from one application to another..


Michael J. Ryan

can anyone point out some examples of this?

essentially, I want to have a service application that controls inbound
connections, and a console/control application that communicates with it
to view current connections, and stats etc...

Was thinking of running a service on a given tcp port, and passing a
"request" object serialized, and the server returning a serialized response
object... are there any examples anyone can show me on this?

might be easiest to do the above, and only allow one request per connection,
but there will probably be 8-10 requests needed for the controller app.

was thinking of using windows messages, but wasn't sure how to do this in .net,
and wanted to stay out of the windows api if possible.


Check out a topic called "Remoting". This should let you do what you're
after, and it will not require that you get down into the win API.

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