Rocky McKinley
Hi I still haven't found the solution to passing a range. Chip suggested
earlier to remove the brackets around the Range, I tried that and it still
doesn't work. Does anyone know what is wrong?
Function FindIt(Ranger As Range) As String
Dim C As Range
FindIt = ""
Set C = Ranger.Find("BALER", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not C Is Nothing Then FindIt = C.Address
End Function
Sub TestIt()
X = FindIt Range("a1:a4")
MsgBox X
End Sub
earlier to remove the brackets around the Range, I tried that and it still
doesn't work. Does anyone know what is wrong?
Function FindIt(Ranger As Range) As String
Dim C As Range
FindIt = ""
Set C = Ranger.Find("BALER", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not C Is Nothing Then FindIt = C.Address
End Function
Sub TestIt()
X = FindIt Range("a1:a4")
MsgBox X
End Sub