No that is not a pass-through query. It is an unmatched query -using the
query A and Query B as the "tables". The unmatched query wizard should be
able to build that for you if records can be matched on one field - Select New
for a query and select the Find unmatched query Wizard option.
Assuming that you have a primary key field (PK) in both queries that can be
used for a matchup. The SQL statement for the desired result would look like
FROM [Query A] as A LEFT JOIN [Query B] as B
WHERE B.PK is Null
If there are multiple fields involved in matching records between the two,
post back for an explanation on how to set up the query.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I have two queries A,B. Query B is a subset of Query A. Now I need a syntax
to get Query A- Query B i.e., Query A without data of Query B
Can anyone help me on this.
I think its a pass through query if am not wrong