pass n params like String.Format()



I have a simple debug and logging class and I would like to be able to send
a non-formatted string to my various printing methods, much like

I have tried to implement this like so:
public void PrintDebugError(string format, object[] parameters)


string buff = string.Format(format, parameters);



Then when calling it like this:
int someValue = 666;

m_debug.PrintDebugError("Loaded {0} shots from the database...", someValue);

I get the obvious error:
The best overloaded method match for 'CAppDebug.PrintDebugError(string,
object[])' has some invalid arguments

So looking at the string.format(), how do they do it? If I create an object
array, then store the int into the array and pass that, it works fine.
I guess what I'm looking for is a way to specify n parameters..

Any ideas?


perfect, thanks!!

Rakesh Rajan said:
Hi sklett,

Use the params keyword.

For example:
public void Format(params string[] args)

Rakesh Rajan

sklett said:
I have a simple debug and logging class and I would like to be able to send
a non-formatted string to my various printing methods, much like

I have tried to implement this like so:
public void PrintDebugError(string format, object[] parameters)


string buff = string.Format(format, parameters);



Then when calling it like this:
int someValue = 666;

m_debug.PrintDebugError("Loaded {0} shots from the database...", someValue);

I get the obvious error:
The best overloaded method match for 'CAppDebug.PrintDebugError(string,
object[])' has some invalid arguments

So looking at the string.format(), how do they do it? If I create an object
array, then store the int into the array and pass that, it works fine.
I guess what I'm looking for is a way to specify n parameters..

Any ideas?


Anytime sklett :)

- Rakesh Rajan

sklett said:
perfect, thanks!!

Rakesh Rajan said:
Hi sklett,

Use the params keyword.

For example:
public void Format(params string[] args)

Rakesh Rajan

sklett said:
I have a simple debug and logging class and I would like to be able to send
a non-formatted string to my various printing methods, much like

I have tried to implement this like so:
public void PrintDebugError(string format, object[] parameters)


string buff = string.Format(format, parameters);



Then when calling it like this:
int someValue = 666;

m_debug.PrintDebugError("Loaded {0} shots from the database...", someValue);

I get the obvious error:
The best overloaded method match for 'CAppDebug.PrintDebugError(string,
object[])' has some invalid arguments

So looking at the string.format(), how do they do it? If I create an object
array, then store the int into the array and pass that, it works fine.
I guess what I'm looking for is a way to specify n parameters..

Any ideas?

Chris Jobson

sklett said:
I have a simple debug and logging class and I would like to be able to send
a non-formatted string to my various printing methods, much like

I have tried to implement this like so:
public void PrintDebugError(string format, object[] parameters)


string buff = string.Format(format, parameters);



Then when calling it like this:
int someValue = 666;

m_debug.PrintDebugError("Loaded {0} shots from the database...",

I get the obvious error:
The best overloaded method match for 'CAppDebug.PrintDebugError(string,
object[])' has some invalid arguments

So looking at the string.format(), how do they do it? If I create an
array, then store the int into the array and pass that, it works fine.
I guess what I'm looking for is a way to specify n parameters..

Any ideas?

Look up the "params" keywword. If you define your method as
public void PrintDebugError(string format, params object[] parameters)
then it should work.

Chris Jobson

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