Thanks for the post, and I tried that but was unable to get it to work? I
don't know if its because my subform2 is located within subform 1, but here
is the code I tried.
Me!frminventory_Subform.Form!RugStatus = Me.invoicetype
Forgive me if this is old news but SubForms are displayed on forms by
means of a SubFormControl. SubFormControls have names of their own
that do not have to be the same as the SubForm. Often times they are
named the same because that is the default of the wizard but it is not
a requirement. You reference controls on a SubForm by referencing
this SubFormControl first and not the SubForm. So your reference
should be:
Me.SubFormControlName.Form.RugStatus = Me.InvoiceType
If your SubFormControl is named 'frminventory_Subform' then your code
should work.
As a diagnostic, put a visible TextBox on the main form and set the
ControlSource on the data tab to:
....and see what shows up in the TextBox. That will give you a means
of working out the syntax.