I'm not sure what this line means:
'Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1))
Console.WriteLine takes a format string. See String.Format for more
information. The numbers in braces are parameter numbers. In the
code above, {0} is replaced by the next parameter, reader.GetString(0)
(the value of column 0) and {1} by reader.GetString(1) (the value of
column 1).
So to assign say a dataview grid to this set of records is it just
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = reader because I don't get anything back with
No. A DataReader supplies one row each time. For more information on
this see
The DataGridView.DataSource property takes some kind of list. You
must iterate through the DataReader and populate some kind of list. A
good one to use is BindingList(Of T), as that supplies a lot of
functionality that is useful when binding controls to a list.
However since you are just getting started with VB .NET, it might be
easier for you to create a DataSet from the DataReader using a
DataAdapter, and bind the DataGridView to the DataSet's DataTable.
Here is some information about this
By using Google you should be able to find more examples.
Also, it is probably not necessary to specify the data type on the
Parameters.Add call. I know it is not necessary with SQL Server, but
I'm not sure about OleDB. You probably can just use:
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDb.OleDbParameter("@fn", "Joe"))